Vollmar Pond & Lake Management


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Aquatic Vegetation Management

If you need help or have questions, please call us at 830.992.0928 or send us a message.

One of the most common complaints from new clients is the amount of aquatic weeds and algae in their pond or lake. Reclaim your lake today! Start using your lake as you intended. Start fishing without frustration. Start swimming again without the kids complaining. Make your lake the focal point it was designed to be. In most cases, the target for lake vegetation coverage is around 20% or less of the total lake acreage. Problems can exist when there is too much or too little aquatic vegetation in your lake. Sometimes zero vegetation is desirable, for instance in lakes managed for trophy bass (lunker bass). In most cases, an over abundance of aquatic vegetation or algae is the problem. Too much aquatic vegetation or algae in your pond or lake can lead to fish kills due to oxygen depletion, decreased predator fish size, poor forage availability, unsatisfactory fishing and other problems.

Vollmar Pond and Lake Management offers many aquatic vegetation management solutions. We offer biological aquatic weed control with the use of Triploid Grass Carp, mechanical aquatic weed control (weed disturbance techniques) and chemical aquatic weed management.

The most effective management technique for excessive aquatic vegetation and algae in your pond or lake is the properly timed application of EPA approved algaecides or herbicides. These aquatic algaecides or herbicides need to be precisely applied. Vollmar Pond and Lake Management uses a wide assortment of professional aquatic vegetation management equipment, ranging from simple backpack sprayers all the way to high tech airboats.

Accurate identification of the problematic aquatic weeds and algae in your pond or lake can be difficult, however it is the most critical step in the management process. Contact us and we can help identify your aquatic vegetation through photos and discussion.

Stop the frustration of trying to manage your lake weeds and algae yourself. Vollmar Pond and Lake Management is here to help you. We are experienced professionals in aquatic vegetation and algae management. We are licensed, trained, tested, and insured commercial applicators specializing in aquatic environments. We are compliant with the Clean Water Act, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, and Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.

Clear Lake Program

One of the most popular programs we offer our clients to help with their aquatic weed and algae problems is our Clear Lake Program. Our Clear Lake Program provides regularly scheduled lake inspections, which focus on proactive techniques to keep aquatic weeds and algae under control, so they do not become an unsightly problem. Clients who participate in our Clear Lake Program can also call on us for professional lake management consultation for any other problems or concerns.

Our Clear Lake Program is especially popular with home owners associations with lakes and with private or public golf courses with lakes. HOA and golf course clients particularly love that our lake aesthetics focus is not just limited to aquatic weeds and algae management. We also focus on items important to them, like trash pick up and limb pick up in and around their lakes.