Quick Guide for Pond & Lake Problems
Common Pond & Lake Problems
If you need help or have questions, please call us at
(844) LAKE-PRO or send us a message.
Problem 1: Excessive Vegetation and Algae
Typical Reasons:
- Water Depth
- Water Clarity
- Excessive Nutrients
- Proper Lake Design – Minimize shallow water (0-4Ft.)
- Proper Lake Design – Minimize sediment and nutrients flowing to the lake
- Herbicide/Algaecide Treatments 1-2 times per year properly timed
- Grass Carp
- Tilapia (for filamentous algae control)
- Aquatic Dye (not right for every lake, depends on lake goals)
- Pond and Lake Aeration
Problem 2: Fish Kills
Typical Reasons:
- Read More on Fish Kills
- Seasonal Turnover Typically Fall Turnover in the South
- Lack of Oxygen and Oxygen Swings
- Overpopulated Fish Population
- Excessive Algae and Weeds
- Fish Disease (rare)
- Manage Excessive Vegetation and Algae – Reduces oxygen swings
- Pond and Lake Aeration
- Proper Lake Design – During construction make Lake as deep as site allows, this is insurance against evaporation, which is about 5.5 Feet per year in central texas
Problem 3: Stunted Fish / Poor Fishing
Typical Reasons:
- Under-harvest of fish
- Excessive Vegetation or Algae
- Improper Stocking Ratio
- Lack of Forage
- Excessive Amounts of Rough Fish
- Fishery Survey – At least every 2-Years (electrofishing, shoreline seining, gill netting)
- Harvest Fish (Need fishery survey to determine size group and approximately how many to harvest)
- Control Excessive Vegetation and Algae
- Supplemental Forage fish stocking
- Supplemental Fish Feeding
Problem 4: Leaks
Typical Reasons:
- Improper Construction Techniques, Most Leaks Associated with the Dam
- Structural Leaks Around Dam Hardware or Large Trees
- Improper Construction Techniques – not enough or improper compaction of water-holding clay layer
- Leaks are usually associated with improper planning or deficient construction methods or a combination of both, read more here: Lake Construction Planning, Lake Construction Management, & Lake Construction Consulting
- Interview Contractors
- Maintain Dams
- Familiarize Yourself with Proper Lake Construction Methods
- Sealants or Liners May be Considered
Problem 5: Muddy Water (excessive turbidity)
Typical Reasons:
- Poor Management of Upstream Watershed
- Lack of Aquatic Vegetation
- Large populations of rough fish like Carp, Bullhead, and Bowfin
- Wind
- Suspended Clay Particles
- Coagulant Treatment – Usually gypsum or alum
- Proper Lake Design – Watershed management focusing on erosion
- Eradicate Rough Fish With rotenone application, perform Fishery Survey to see if present
- Promote Vegetation if Needed
- Proper Lake Design – Orient long axis of pond (Fetch) east-west, wind breaks, islands to breakup fetch
Problem 6: Excessive Nutrients
Typical Reasons:
- Poor Management of Upstream Watershed (Overgrazing, No Erosion Control, Lack of Bufferstrips)
- Overfeeding
- Fertilizer from Ag./Yards
- Livestock Watering in Lake
- Proper Lake Design – Watershed management focusing on erosion
- Buffer Strips
- Pond and Lake Aeration
- Fence Off Livestock (water livestock below dam)
- Coagulant Treatment – To bind phosphorous in water column and sediment
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