Vollmar Pond & Lake Management


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Improve Fish Quality and Size By Installing an Automatic Fish Feeder

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Your fishing as well as your fish quality and quantity will be enhanced by constant timely fish feeding with an automatic fish feeder. It has been shown that daily feeding dramatically increases fish growth rates, and raises the fish carrying capacity of your pond or lake. Supplemental fish feeding is especially important in less fertile water like clear water Texas Hill Country ponds or spring fed ponds. You can consider supplemental fish feeding as a back-door way of “fertilizing” difficult to fertilize ponds and lakes.

Supplemental fish feeding requires consistency. Consistency in fish feeding is feeding your fish at the “same time and same place”. Automatic fish feeders provide this required consistency.

Smaller ponds especially benefit from automatic fish feeders because supplemental fish feed increases the fish carrying capacity that would not be naturally available in small ponds. Surprise your friends and family with trophy catfish and hybrid bluegill out of that small pond, Start Feeding Today!

Supplemental Feeding of Bass Lakes

Supplemental fish feeding programs in bass lakes target feeding the backbone of the forage base, your bluegill. Feeding your bluegill indirectly feeds your bass. When bluegill are fed a high protein diet they reproduce at higher rates, providing more forage for your bass. The protein you are feeding is being transferred indirectly to your bass by way of your bluegill forage base. An automatic feeder makes feeding your fish easy and convenient.

Supplemental Feeding of Other Fish Stocking Options, with or without Bass

Supplemental feeding with an automatic fish feeder works with other types of fish stocking scenarios. Some of these fish stocking scenarios are:

How to Start a Supplemental Fish Feeding Program on Your Pond or Lake